How to fix a preserved wall (video)

A Vertical Wall in your office would look really good but you don’t know anyone in the area who can make it for you? So order it on Edenaria! No, it’s not a problem to send it or assemble it, but you have to do it with a certain care and following all our tips. In order not to leave our customers alone, we thought of making this short video: a tutorial to show you how to fix panel by panel your wall, without you noticing the joints of the pieces.

As you’ve seen, the tutorial shows everything from how our panels will arrive to the materials to use to fix them. Let’s make a quick summary. Your order will arrive on a pallet, where all the boxes containing the panels will be numbered or marked with a letter. You will also find a map (or “dima” as it is called in the video) that will show you the order in which the panels will be placed. In addition, inside one of the boxes you will find a bag with moss or the material the panel is made of. In the second part of the video we move on to the actual installation of the panels, so you will need them:

  • a drill with dowels and screws
  • the map we will send you
  • numbered panels
  • the moss in the bag
Pay attention to certain recommendations:
  1. It is important to remember that you start mounting the panel at the bottom left of the map (in the case of the video it is panel A);
  2. The panels must be positioned with the letter (or number), which is on the back of the panel, facing upwards;
  3. Drill the four holes in the corners of each panel
  4. Complete with the moss of the bag the points where you have placed dowels and screws and any points where the moss (or the material from which the panel is made) has been damaged.

By clicking here you will find all our wall types with different materials (reindeer moss, flat moss, polemoss) in size 50 cm x 67 cm x 8 cm, but they are all fully customizable both in size and in possible additions of flowers or other materials. And if you want to get an idea of the price by entering dimensions and materials we will automatically calculate a quote for you! What are you waiting for? You have everything you need: choose, calculate the estimate, order and assemble the preserved wall with our tutorial. And when you have installed your vertical wall, please send us the photos at [email protected] If you have any other doubts, please contact our expert by filling in the form or calling 0546 46352.

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