modular panel

  • Sale! Preserved Lichen WallParete Lichene stabilizzatoParete Lichene stabilizzato

    Lichen Wall

    Original price was: 228,90€.Current price is: 160,23€.
    Preserved Lichen Wall is a modular panel for vertical walls, made of high-quality, bright green, 100% natural Lichen. 
  • Parete Verde stabilizzatoParete Verde stabilizzatoParete Verde stabilizzato

    Green Wall

    The preserved Green Wall is a modular vertical panel made of Flat Moss and Polemoss, decorated with Ivy, Fern and Maidenhair
  • Sale! Preserved Green Wall PlusParete Verde stabilizzato PlusParete Verde stabilizzato Plus

    Green Wall Plus

    Original price was: 220,70€.Current price is: 110,35€.

    The preserved Green Wall is a modular vertical panel made of Flat Moss and Polemoss, richly decorated with many preserved branches and leaves.

  • Sale! Preserved Forest WallPreserved Forest WallPreserved Forest Wall

    Forest Wall

    Original price was: 255,50€.Current price is: 127,75€.

    Preserved Forest wall is a panel in styrofoam completely covered by a beautiful, dense forest.

  • Sale! Parete Fusion con rami stabilizzataParete Fusion con rami stabilizzataParete Fusion con rami stabilizzata

    Fusion Wall with branches

    Original price was: 241,70€.Current price is: 120,85€.

    The Fusion Wall with Preserved Branches is a modular panel made of Flat Moss, Polemoss, Lichen, enriched of leaves and branches.

  • Preserved Colour WallColour Preserved WallColour Preserved Wall

    Colour Wall


    The Preserved Colour Wall is a modular vertical panel made of Flat Moss and Polemoss, richly decorated with many preserved branches and leaves.

  • Parete Fusion stabilizzataParete Fusion stabilizzataParete Fusion stabilizzata

    Fusion Wall


    The Fusion Preserved Green Wall is a modular vertical panel made of Moss, Polemoss and Lichen, it’s able to bring together different shades of green.

  • Parete Muschio Piano e Polemoss stabilizzatiParete Muschio Piano e Polemoss stabilizzatiParete Muschio Piano e Polemoss stabilizzati

    Flat Moss and Polemoss Wall


    The Preserved Flat Moss and Polemoss Wall is a modular vertical wall, made of two varieties of Moss, it has gentle lines and vibrant colours.

  • Sale! Lichen Wall MulticolorLichen Wall MulticolorLichen Wall Multicolor

    Lichen Wall Multicolor

    Original price was: 229,80€.Current price is: 114,90€.

    Multicolor Lichen Wall is a soft and soft to the touch preserved green panel, characterized by a mix of lichens of different colors.

  • Parete Polemoss stabilizzatoParete Polemoss stabilizzatoParete Polemoss stabilizzato

    Polemoss Wall

    The preserved Polemoss Wall, with its gentle lines, adds a touch of character and freshness to the room.
  • Preserved Cork in bloom WallCork in bloom Preserved WallCork in bloom Preserved Wall

    Cork in bloom Wall


    Preserved Cork in bloom Wall is a wall with Bulk Rock and lime Lichen at the basis, enriched by Cork and Hydrangea flowers.

  • Preserved maracas WallMaracas Preserved WallMaracas Preserved Wall

    Maracas Wall


    Preserved Maracas wall is a wall that has Bulk Hair and lime lichen as basis, enriched by carnation flowers, Rock Fern and Ivy 

  • Sale! Parete Lichene stabilizzato PlusParete Lichene stabilizzato PlusParete Lichene stabilizzato Plus

    Lichen Wall Plus

    Original price was: 283,40€.Current price is: 141,70€.

    Lichen Wall Plus is a soft and fluffy panel, that gives a fresh touch to the space and it helps to absorb noise (it reduces acoustic pollution).

  • Sale! Parete Edera stabilizzataParete Edera stabilizzataParete Edera stabilizzata

    Ivy Wall

    Original price was: 148,60€.Current price is: 74,30€.

    The Preserved Ivy Wall is a modular vertical wall made of flat Moss and Polemoss, decorated with Ivy branches that adds brightness and freshness to the space.

  • Parete Muschio Piano stabilizzatoParete Muschio Piano stabilizzatoParete Muschio Piano stabilizzato

    Flat Moss Wall


    The Preserved Flat Moss Wall is a modular vertical wall, with its innovative elegance it adds freshness to the space.

  • Sound-Absorbing Lichen WallSound-Absorbing Lichen WallSound-Absorbing Lichen Wall

    Sound-Absorbing Lichen Wall


    Sound-Absorbing Lichen wall is the panel in green preserved with a special basis studied to absorb noises.

  • Parete lichene stabilizzato certificazione al fuocoParete Lichene stabilizzato certificazione al fuocoParete Lichene stabilizzato certificazione al fuoco

    Lichen Wall fire certification


    Preserved lichen Wall with fire certification is a modular panel for vertical walls., made with totally natural and good quality bright green lichen.

    It treats of an important result of our research and innovation work.

  • Cerchio lichene stabilizzatoCerchio lichene stabilizzato diametro 20 cm RossoCerchio lichene stabilizzato diametro 20 cm Rosso

    Lichen Circle


    Preserved lichen circle is made with totally natural and good quality lichen. Every tuft is glued individually to obtain a result characterized by an high density and uniformity. Give vent to your creativity, give flow and freshness to every ambients.

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