preserved chrysanthemum

  • Crisantemo stabilizzato AnastasiaCrisantemo stabilizzato AnastasiaCrisantemo stabilizzato Anastasia

    Anastasia Chrysanthemum


    Preserved Anastasia Chrysanthemum is found all around the world, given the numerous hybrids and varieties selected over the years. Perfect for DIY floral composition.

  • Vaso Flower Power stabilizzato

    Flower Power Pot


    Preserved Flower Power Pot plays with flowers and colors and  it is capable of bringing joy and lightness to the environment in which it is inserted. All this without forgetting the theme of environmental protection and ecology.

  • Edenaria | Bouquet Sanremo stabilizzatoPreserved Country BouquetPreserved Country Bouquet

    Bouquet Sanremo


    Buy now our preserved Sanremo Bouquet: a tribute to the most famous music Festival in Italy.

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