preserved eucalyptus Nicoly

  • Albero Nicoly stabilizzato verde 130 cmAlbero Nicoly stabilizzato rosso 130 cm

    Eucalyptus Nicoly


    The preserved Eucalyptus Nicoly is a set of small twigs of eucalyptus with long and narrow leaves. It’s perfect for DIY floral composition.

  • Centrotavola Green Belt stabilizzato

    Green Belt Centerpiece


    Preserved Green Belt centerpiece wants to represent an extension of the landlord’s personality an extension of the senses. It aspires to tell a story and wants to contribute to the joy that is emanated around a table.

  • Nicoly Tree 130 cm


    The preserved Nicoly Tree 130 cm is 1.30 meter high and it is characterised by small twigs of the Eucalyptus Nicoly variety.

  • Wide Nicoly Tree red 130 cm


    The preserved Wide Nicoly Tree red is characterised by a dense foliage composed of small twigs of the red Eucalyptus Nicoly variety.

  • Wide Nicoly Tree 180 cm


    Wide Nicoly Preserved tree 180 cm is characterized by a thick crown, composed by little  Green Eucalyptus Nicoly’s branches 

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