preserved eucalyptus Nicoly

  • Sale! Albero Nicoly stabilizzato verde 130 cmAlbero Nicoly stabilizzato rosso 130 cmAlbero Nicoly stabilizzato rosso 130 cm

    Eucalyptus Nicoly


    The preserved Eucalyptus Nicoly is a set of small twigs of eucalyptus with long and narrow leaves. It’s perfect for DIY floral composition.

  • Centrotavola Green Belt stabilizzato

    Green Belt Centerpiece


    Preserved Green Belt centerpiece wants to represent an extension of the landlord’s personality an extension of the senses. It aspires to tell a story and wants to contribute to the joy that is emanated around a table.

  • Preserved Nicoly Tree 130 cmPreserved Nicoly Tree 180 cmPreserved Nicoly Tree 180 cm

    Nicoly Tree 130 cm


    The preserved Nicoly Tree 130 cm is 1.30 meter high and it is characterised by small twigs of the Eucalyptus Nicoly variety.

  • Albero Wide Nicoly rosso stabilizzato 130 cmAlbero Wide Nicoly rosso stabilizzato 130 cmAlbero Wide Nicoly rosso stabilizzato 130 cm

    Wide Nicoly Tree red 130 cm


    The preserved Wide Nicoly Tree red is characterised by a dense foliage composed of small twigs of the red Eucalyptus Nicoly variety.

  • Albero Wide Nicoly stabilizzato 180 cm

    Wide Nicoly Tree 180 cm


    Wide Nicoly Preserved tree 180 cm is characterized by a thick crown, composed by little  Green Eucalyptus Nicoly’s branches 

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