Preserved Love is Love bouquet is characterized by three wonderful colored roses (yellow, pink and cherry) and is able to release joy, liveliness and above all it is able to excite. Whatever color your love is, this stabilized bouquet will let you express it. Ideal for a gift capable of leaving its mark.
This composition also includes the rich decoration, which in this case combines a delicate two-tone paper and jute.
Weight | 0,2 kg |
Dimensions | 35 × 35 × 20 cm |
Materials | Pink rose on stem 55 cm, yellow Rose on stem 55 cm, cherry Rose on stem 55 cm, Stoebe, Diosmi, Solidago, Broom Flower and Tiki Fern |
Height | 45 cm |
Diameter | 20 cm |
A bold combination, capable of enclosing the bouquet and completing it.
Are you giving a gift to a loved one? Select the box and enter the text, we will send the bouquet with your ticket. Furthermore, by selecting this option we will activate premium shipping for you, with which you will choose the day of delivery!
The preserved Love is Love bouquet stands out from any other plant because it combines the elegance and durability of preserved greenery. The perfect mix between the fight against disposable culture and innovative furniture, it is an “evergreen”, 100% natural and exclusive product.
Thanks to this product you will be able to create exclusive and customizable designs, creating natural environments and reducing ambient noise. It also allows you to soften the space.
The shipment of this enchanting composition will be made within 3 working days from the moment of the order.
Stand the test of time
Preserved plants and flowers last for a long time, with no need for water, light or soil. No maintenance is required.
Adorn and decorate
Thanks to preserved green you can create an exclusive and customisable design with innovative and natural furniture.
Help the environment
Preserved plants are 100% natural, with a very low CO2 footprint, especially compared to living vegetation.
Are you looking for an alternative?
If you’re searching for a different solution, you can choose the Essential Bouquet. If you want to create your own compositions, you might also consider our Rose on stem 55 cm, and the Stoebe.